Project Team visited the villages in Kyun Su Township where the Community Driven Development National Project will be implemented


After CDD Project Socialization Workshop was held in Kyunsu Township, Tanintharyi Division, Ministers of the Tanintharyi Division, Mr. Markus Kostner (Task Team Leader of the World Bank), officers from the Department of the Rural Development, officers from Tanintharyi Division Municipality, officers from Myeik Township Municipality, District Administrative Officer, Township Administrative Officer and other responsible officers visited the villages in Kyunsu Township.

On May 22nd, after the workshop was conducted, the team visited Katalu Village in Katalu Village Tract and Kapa Village in Kapa Village Tract. Then on May 23rd, Phanat Kyun Village in Tawpyar Village Tract and Linmalo Village in Ma Eine Village Tract were visited. After that, the team met with village administrative officer, village headman and villagers from Nyaung Be Village Tract, Mingoat Village Tract and Zaykami Village tract during the visit to Maung Hlaw village of Maung Hlaw Village Tract. At each village, officers from the Department of Rural Development explained the project implementing process in brief and Mr. Markus Kostner asked questions about the village condition and the village community answered his questions. Later, the village community raised the query regarding the project and the officers from the department of Rural Development provided the answers.